We know that success in Retail is in the detail. So in bringing what might have been a dry case study to the screen, the long standing relationship across 3 generations of the founding family of Jermyn Street menswear retailer, Harvie and Hudson, is told with vigour, warmth and genuine appreciation for how GSM has contributed to ensuring the client is up-to-date in its offering in-store and online. #brandbuilding #B2B #accountancy #retail
Charities are right at home at GSM. And it’s no wonder. The firm has honed its skills in the sector for 100 years. This film captures GSM’s ethos as well as the unrivalled knowledge it has of the most up to date means of making Charity and NFP funds work harder. It leaves GSM clients, current and prospective, with the belief that GSM’s signature on a Charity’s set of accounts is worth having. #brandbuilding #B2B #accountancy #charities
GSM’s expertise online is well-honed. The firm may be 100 years old yet it has certainly moved with the times. This is clearly demonstrated in this film, the firm having taken the now hugely successful Firebox.com from start-up to multi-million pound on-line retailer. #brandbuilding #B2B #online